Friday, July 23, 2010

36 weeks

Hello Zura!
36 weeks pregnant

At the end of this week, you're going to reach an important pregnancy milestone - your baby will be considered full-term. That means you could give birth any day now. As your baby gradually drops down in your pelvis in preparation for birth, your lungs and stomach will finally be able to stretch out a little so you'll breathe more easily. On the down side you may find you need to go to the loo more often as your baby squashes on your bladder.

fetal development at 36 W

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

i dah 36 weeks..esok dah 37...sungguh tak percaya..hehehehe...

Mesti baby i dah ader rambut kan...i hope rambut dia lebat mcm ayah dia..rambut i mum cakap masa i keluar rambut i dua tiga urat ajerk..boleh???...kurang comel lah berambut sikit ni~~~


  1. owh my... zura... u dah 36 weeks ke? cepatnye masa... mesti dah ready macam macam barang baby kan.... tetiba i pulak yg ter eksaited nih...

  2. fidza,tu lah brg2 dah almost ready..punyer excited sampai my mother in law tegur..."tak elok beli semua brg sebelum baby keluar..pantang org melayu..specially bantal,tilam katil"..betul ke haa..????tapi i dah beli semua...hope tak ader aper-aper kan...
